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Food Additives: What Parents Should Know

Food Additives: What Parents Should Know


Are you addicted to processed foods? Being hooked on chocolate, chips, ice cream, or burgers is a very common problem. You might not even be aware of but processed foods are as addictive as heroin or cocaine. The more processed the foods are the more addictive they are. They don't act like food; they're more like slow poison that undermines our health instead. New discoveries in science prove that industrially processed foods containing trans-fats, high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, white flour, artificial colors and flavors, and additives-in other words, foods that have been stripped of fiber, most of their minerals and nutrients. These can cause addictive behaviors on par with alcohol, tobacco and other serious drugs addictions like those to cocaine and heroin. food additive effects on health can also easily fall into patterns of compulsive eating. Processed foods overload and crash the pleasure centers in the brain, prompting dopamine release, creating effects similar to cocaine or heroin. Just as coca leaves are purified in order to make them more addictive, foods like white bread and white sugar have been processed for addictive impact. food additive glycerin Dopamine is the chemical in your brain that makes you feel good. While the dopamine is released we experience temporary feelings of pleasure followed by a decrease of dopamine and a decrease of pleasure even less than before you ate. Over time dopamine becomes less effective and it's harder to enjoy pleasure. In fact you are more inclined to be depressed and fatigued. Sound like something really familiar? Studies show that overweight people and drug addicts have less dopamine stored in their brain because of how much has been released due to processed foods and drugs they have consumed. 1. We continue to use a toxic substance or eat a certain food despite its negative effects on health and behavior (i.e., you can't make dietary changes that would lead to your desired outcome).

2. When repeated attempts to quit remains unsuccessful (just think of all the weight loss diets that fail). The vicious cycle continue while people go from cravings to addiction and toxic symptoms that they try to relieve by eating more processed foods. Processed foods have been associated with all the diseases that are rampant in our affluent society: diabetes, cancer, heart disease, obesity, arthritis, and also a myriad of other chronic symptoms from migraines to asthma. Processed foods are disease-building. Continuing to eat processed foods is like putting your head in the sand and pretending that nothing is happening. Sooner or later, you'll see the effects on your health. Your body sends signals of discomfort, pain, and illness when not well nourished. We ignore those symptoms and instead go to the doctor for a diagnosis and quick fix. The main cause of obesity is empty calorie foods, which can be mainly due to beverages containing high fructose corn syrup. Because of their lack of fiber it is easy to consume more calories than we need as they take less space in the stomach and satiety is reached only when you have already overeaten. food additives cannot be properly metabolized without minerals and vitamins. The energy in empty calories food becomes unavailable and is stored as fat. Is it possible to live without addiction? Living with addiction is like living a life in slavery. The pleasure is short, and the negative consequences are lasting. It just doesn't let us live our life to the fullest. Start by consuming food additives nutritional value of high nutrient foods which come straight from nature - whole plant foods like raw vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, sprouts, and beans which can help you release food addictions. As you learn to eat more genuinely nutritious, mineral-rich raw food, your body finally gets more nourishment and will start asking for more of this healthy fuel instead of processed junk.

  • Salt (excessive) - fluid retention and blood pressure increases
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, drugs, and stress - nothing in excess
  • Meat and Meat Based Products
  • Make dough easier to handle
  • 8 years ago from Alberta and Florida
  • 8" x 8" x 1½" square 6 cups
  • To enhance the flavour or appearance of food

Your taste buds will change and you will find pleasure again in eating healthy foods. When you are so filled up with nutrient, fiber, and volume, you reach satiety and simply lose your food cravings. Be kind and patient with yourself. You can expect to fall off the wagon occasionally as progress happens in stages, not in a straight lane. Remember that success is how quickly you can get back on track when you fall off. I worked with a woman whom I will call her Mary. She couldn't drive past the Dairy Queen branch in her town without stopping for her daily ice cream cone. After many months of doing so she gained weight and also was starting to have migraines and skin issues. She wanted to stop and needed help. She reached me and together worked on a healthy nutrition protocol. She started a sound nutrition program incorporating the food her body was in great need: greens and vegetables. As she was better nourished after several weeks of eating green smoothies with lots of veggies and homemade ice cream, and taking another route to go to work to curb temptations, her cravings went away eventually. She also did a cleanse on green juices which helped immensely. She has been dairy-free for more than a year now and is very happy with her health. She realized the power of addiction to sugar and fatty foods and the negative effects they had on her and resolved to live free of addictions.